Tuesday, April 1, 2008

second blog

Marisa Medina
Saturday March 15, 2008
I came to the United States six years ago. I come from Bolivia which is a very poor country. Because it is so poor, consumption, advertisement and waste management are very different. However, when I came here I notice the difference. At first it was hard for me to get use to the way of consumption and waste management, but after a while I got use to it like everyone else.
One of the things that I definitely found interesting was advertising. When I here a commercial on the radio over and over again, it means that whatever the stuff! is is selling quite well. If a commercial repeats a lot in my country, it means that no body is buying the stuff. Also they have a lot more commercials here than in my country.
Another thing that I notice is the role of consumption An example of this is close. People buy close because they like it or because that particular close is on fashion Back in my country, people buy close because they need it. Even people with money buy close when they need. When I was a kid I remember close being much more durable. I had it for years and the close was still good. Here however, close is means to be disposable so I buy it every season of the year.
The next thing I notice is waste management. For instance, paper towels and nupskins. When I go sometimes to buy coffee, they give me so many nupskins that I know what to do with, so I end up throwing them out. At first I used to keep them, but now I just throw them out.
Back in my country, people cut the nupskins in half so they would last longer. 'paper towels are expensive over there, and many people don't have them. I even use them to dry my hands. If some body had paper towels there they use them only for cleaning.
In conclusion, personally I think I changed some what. For one thing, I never like commercials before I found them very annoying. Now I like them and I always try to hear what's new. However, I still buy close and other things when ever I need them. About the waste management, well I have to admit that I sometimes throw away things that are perfectly useful.

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